Love Master Fully



Hey, we’re Dr. John Van Epp + Dr. Morgan Cutlip. We’re a father-daughter team, from two generations, offering different perspectives but sharing one mission which is to help you feel empowered to fall in love and stay in love without the drama.
Our passion is to create practical and research-informed resources to support and enrich your relationships.


Relationships consume our social dialogue. Think about it, hanging with your friends what is it that you talk about? Getting your hair done, what do you talk about? Talking with coworkers?…relationships are bound to come up. There is mass obsession and confusion around relationships. The thing is that it makes sense why we are all SO obsessed with relationships because they are so essential to a happy and healthy life! Seriously research confirms that.
At Love Thinks we believe that relationships shouldn’t be so darn confusing. That they shouldn’t be filled with tons of drama because if you know what you are doing then you can be a master at developing and maintaining healthy relationships!
We believe you already have it in you to have happy and lasting relationships and we are here to provide you with the know-how you need to become the master of your relationships. We see our role as experts who can help to simplify the process, to provide you with tools to empower you to take charge of your relationships to feel like you know what you are doing so you don’t waste too much time in a relationship that won’t go anywhere or won’t be good for you. And to help you keep that in love feeling when you’ve found a relationship that is worth keeping!


We get it, you are probably wondering..why Love Thinks over other brands that offer support to your relationship? Well, let us give you some background. Love Thinks has been around for over 25 years, where we have been teaching people how to have and maintain healthy relationships through our five innovative relationship education programs: e.g. How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk (also called PICK a Partner) and Couple LINKS. Also, through Dr. John Van Epp’s book, How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk. These courses have been taught in live settings to all branches of the military, university students, nonprofits, high school students, and in churches. Over the past twenty-five years, tens of thousands of people have been trained to be instructors in our programs and our programs have been taught to over a million people worldwide. We are so thrilled to finally bring our courses, that were only available in live settings, to an online format that allows you to move through the content you need most when you need it!



Founder of Love Thinks and creator of all of the Love Thinks programs, Dr. Van Epp, is a relationship expert and the brains behind all of our content. He travels the world training Love Thinks instructors and fantasizes about having loads of free time to hole up and write books. Dr. Van Epp has dedicated the last 20 plus years to his mission of helping individuals, couples and families have healthy relationships. Also, Dr. Van Epp and the Love Thinks concepts have been featured in Time Magazine, Psychology Today, O Magazine, Cosmopolitan and the Wall Street Journal; and he has appeared on the CBS Early Show, the O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, and Focus on the Family.